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Kent didn't volunteer any more information, but I could feel his eyes on me. Not like he wanted to fuck me, though, but more like he was trying to figure out what was going on. I couldn't blame him https://qep.me. He was in a hot tub with a woman he wasn't overly familiar with, trapped in a cock cage with his wife plotting mischief. I'd have been wary.
I could see that he was building up to a question, but before he could speak I heard a voice behind me.
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I saw her husband's eyes go wide, which made me turn around to see what had made him gape.
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Colette was standing behind me in a black bikini. Or more precisely, in a minimalist interpretation of a bikini. The twin orbs of her gorgeous, full bosom were bracketed by strips of black lycra. Her erect nipples were clearly visible beneath the tight material. The straps narrowed as they ascended her shoulders to give the impression that her breasts were cupped in two wide, black ribbons in a feat of structural engineering.
But it was the bikini bottoms that drew the eye. A single black band, starting just above her crotch, held up by twin threads that snaked up and over her rounded hips. There was not a trace of pubic hair; given the tiny surface covered by the material, she must have been completely waxed.
Colette took her time ascending the steps, stopping to dip her toes into the water and holding one leg out in front of her while she did so to show off her thigh and shapely leg. Her toenails were painted black to match her outfit. The necklace hung down from her neck, exhibiting the tiny key to her husband's cock in the fold of her cleavage and leaving no doubt as to who was in charge tonight.
"Toasty warm," she said, breaking the silence that had fallen on both of us, and slid down into the frothing water.
She smiled at me, a knowing, worldly smile and scootched over to nestle in her husband's lap. Colette wrapped her arms around his bulky shoulders, suddenly appearing small and fragile in her husband's thick, strong arms. I imagined that her bottom would be settling nicely onto the bulge between his legs but at least her hands were where I could see them. She smiled at me again, and I knew that the show was about to begin.
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Autor si neklade za cíl být nejlepší, snaží se, ale poukazovat na nešvary doby. Hledá pravdu jak v životě tak v PHP a jinde. Fotografuje, maluje, skládá a píše. To poslední mu sice příliš nejde, ale nějak se vyřvat musí. Má zkušenosti s realitním a kapitálovím trhem. Programování a navrhováním krytických částí aplikací. Řízením projektů a chrlením unikátních nápadů.
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