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Manažer financí - za 2h práce denně až 2.000,- USD týdně

9. 8. 2007 14:20 Petr Ocásek

Je-li Vám alespoň 21 let, jste zodpovědní, máte bankovní účet, trvalé připojení k internetu a žijete v ČR nebo v jedné z dalších zemí?

Pak určitě zvažte níže uvedený inzerát (jehož on-line podobu naleznete na adrese http://lorinste­ingroup.com/va­can.html).

Když vás přijmou, budete převádět peníze vocamcaď pocamcaď a mít za 2h práce denně až 163.000,– Kč měsíčně, takže se budete cítit docela bez omezení. Ale je možné, že se za to budete bez jakýchkoli skrytých podmínek sedět napořád. A napořád a napořád a napořád…

Welcome to Gibbons Inc. (Lorinstein Group Corporation)
Computer Specialists for Small and Medium Sized Businesses and Organizations in the EU Area:
For the past 12 years, Gibbons Group has maintained its focus on providing high-end computer services and solutions to small and medium sized businesses and organizations in the USDope. Gibbons Group now has three branch locations in Great Britain to manage customers at an even more personal level. Gibbons Group looks to build long-term relationships built on prudent growth and efficient management of client's technology assets. Gibbons Group assigns a primary consultant to each client to allow very personal service. Every Gibbons Group consultant is part of a small team to further enhance the ability to manage client's technology and relationships. Gibbons Group consultants are truly senior-level and certified for all products and solutions on which they work. Why Gibbons Group?
•Business Focus: Committed to small and mid sized firms in USDope.
•Experience: Client-base in numerous verticals, in business since 1994.
•Service Continuity: Every client is assigned a senior-level consultant and team.
•Management: We look to manage systems, not react to them.
•Availability: Gibbons Group's larger size, multiple branches, and senior-level staffed help desk allows quick and experienced responses to unforeseen issues.
•Locations: Gibbons Group has 3 branches throughout USDope.
•Technology: 24×7 monitoring; advanced remote connection tools, etc.
•Help Desk: Staffed with senior-level consultants to address needs with experienced staff.
•Cost Differentiators: Low Rates, no long-term commitments, no trip charges, no travel expenses, and nominal charges for new client audits. Gibbons Group is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner (the highest achievable level of Microsoft recognition). Gibbons Group holds many other high-level partnerships with best-of-breed vendors such as IBM, HP, Cisco. Job offer: Finance manager: If You are creative, accurate, hard-working, purposeful and want to reach success, then You will be
interested in this position. 2800 USD monthly + 8% from each transaction depending on the amount of the deal. The amounts of
our deals vary from USD 1,000 to USD 25,000. The number or the deals that You'll take part in is not limited and only depends on Your personal skills, responsibility and communication abilities. We offer the ability to start part time (while keeping your current position) and an opportunity to build your own business if desired. What we can offer: salary 1000 USD – 2000 USD per week!
training courses, our specialists will gain your work skills.
your differential working time plan, 2 hours per day : 1) 9.00 – 11.00 AM
2) 13.00 – 15.00 AM
3) 16.00 – 18.00 AM
You can choose your working time : 1) , 2), or 3). If you want to join our Gibbons Group Inc., please read demands: age 21 years and older.
Location: Australia, USA, Netherlands, Japan, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany. You will represent our company in your city, no relocation or trips.
your email, cell phone, Internet available every day.
your responsibility
bank account Work day example:
You will wake up in the morning and turn on your computer, receive email about completed transfer to your bank account, then you will hear your mobile sound and hang up, we will inform you about this transfer and you will tell me that you did receive my email. Than you will enter your e-bank, and see that transfer is already here, you will visit bank branch and ask bank manager to withdraw this payment ( for example : 5000 USD) you will receive this money and go to the nearest Western Union department, your salary in this example is 8%=400 USD, 4600 USD you will transfer via western union to our client and you will receive blank. This blank is your work completed confirmation, you should send it via email to head office, since this moment the task of our company completed, we will send orders to both parts , sender and receiver. We will send you
next work next day. Thank You for your attention. We are waiting for Your resume and a CV .
To start employment please send us next information
*First name: *Last name: *Country : *State: *City: *Address: *Postal zipcode: *Land Phone : *Cell phone : *E-mail: More Information your can see on our website : http://lorinste­ingroup.com/ For start your work, please download Employment Contract, fill it and send it to us by e-mail or fax!

Sergio Barnesio, Financial Director Gibbons Group Inc


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