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Odpovídáte na názor ke článku Jak jsem provedl downgrade z Windows Vista na Windows XP.

  • 31. 3. 2009 21:01

    Ludek (neregistrovaný)

    uz jsem nasel reseni, dekuji si.

    1. Start the BIOS Setup Utility menu.
    2. Select Config.
    3. Select Serial ATA (SATA).
    4. Select Compatibility (aka AHCI disable u jiných nouťasů - upřesnění od "Shita").
    5. Install Windows XP and Service Pack 2.
    6. Download Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver from the Web site and extract the driver to C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IM­SM.
    7. Run Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver. To do this, go to C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IM­SM\PREPARE, and ,double-click install.cmd.
    8. Turn the computer off and then on again.
    9. Start the BIOS Setup Utility menu.
    10. Select Config.
    11. Select Serial ATA (SATA).
    12. Select AHCI (aka AHCI enable u jiných nouťasů - upřesnění od "Shita").
    13. Start Windows XP. The Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard appears.
    14. Click No, not this time and click Next.
    15. Select Install from a list or specific location(Advanced), then click Next.
    16. Select Search for the best driver in these locations. Then select Include this location in the search:, specify the path, C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IM­SM, and click Next. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard appears.
    17. Click Finish.
    18. When the System Settings Change window appears, click Yes. The computer restarts.

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