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19. 2. 2007 21:00 (aktualizováno) Nishkam Jan.

Pokud neco napisete na icq, pak Vam to uz nepatri. Predavate automaticky vsechna prava ICQ Inc., ktery s Vasim textem muze udelat cokoliv co se mu zlibi.

You agree that by posting any material or information anywhere on the ICQ Services and Information you surrender your copyright and any other proprietary right in the posted material or information. You further agree that ICQ Inc. is entitled to use at its own discretion any of the posted material or information in any manner it deems fit, including, but not limited to, publishing the material or distributing it.


Upozorníme vás na články, které by vám neměly uniknout (maximálně 2x týdně).