Znate GPR, Alexa Rank, Srank, JyxoRank? Tady mame jeste jeden – Page Strength
Umi to udelat peknou analyzu Vaseho webu z pohledu vyhledavacu. Pochazi od SEOmoz.org, takze ceske vyhledavace nehodnoti. Ale i tak Vam doporucuji si ho otestovat. Nevraci jenom cislo, ale take pekne rozepise a zduvodni jak hodnoceni spocital.
„Your site is having an impact and may even be a leader in your field (depending on how big or small that field is). Keep on this path; it's clear that the effort you've put in is producing results. “
„You're running with the big brands and sites, making content that engines and visitors can't help but gobble up. All that's left now is to leverage your power and push ever onwards, towards utter ubiquity.“
„Although not a considerable presence, your site/page is making inroads online. Visitor traffic and search engine visibility is within your grasp“
Uzijte si nove hracky http://www.seomoz.org/tools/page-strength.php
The pagestrength tool is temporarily offline. We experienced an extremely high volume of traffic to the tool this morning and it was causing our server to go down. I'm currently at the airport and will be traveling until later this afternoon at which point I can properly fix the tool.
Thanks for your patience and check back soon!
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