Odpovídáte na názor ke článku Klasicke chyby internetovych stranek, zpusobene myslenim programatora.
tak jeste neco od Nielsena
"Don't include an active link to the homepage on the homepage
Compliance rate: 41%
Guideline number in Homepage Usability book: 43
This is a special case of a guideline that applies to all website or intranet pages: never have a link that points to the current page. (A button to refresh stock quotes or other changing information is a different matter, and should be presented as a command button rather than a navigation link since it doesn't lead to a new location.) Active links to current pages cause three problems:
* If they click it, a link leading to the current page is an utter waste of users' time.
* Worse, such links cause users to doubt whether they're really at the location they think they're at.
* Worst of all, if users do follow these no-op links they'll be confused as to their new location, particularly if the page is scrolled back to the top.
Homepage links on the homepage typically result from using a universal navigation bar that includes "home" as an option. Fine. But when users are on a page that's featured in the navbar, you should turn off that option's link and highlight it in such as way that indicates that it's the current location."
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